This week I dropped
of the items to the woman who had responded to the craigslist ad. It was hard
not to judge the meth teeth, but eh, what does it matter really? I don’t care
if you do meth, it’s none of my business. I drink whiskey. Her teeth rot, mine
turn brown. At least I can use a whitener.
I didn’t stick around too long to chat it up with this girl,
though she was very nice, she definitely had the milk-it vibe. I will
sympathize with you, I’ll give you what I can, but if you’re trying to milk-it,
I don’t want any part of it. So, I say success.
On another day, I was at the store, and the
cashier mentioned she was low on five- dollar bills. I offered to give her two fives
for a ten. Doesn’t really sound like much and I ignored the thought at first,
it wasn’t my problem? Right? Just go to the bank already, but….”I give what I
have”. Maybe the cashier gets so stressed out at the thought of not having
enough fives in her drawer, that she then breaks into hives, which then
requires a trip to the emergency room? I just saved this innocent little
cashier a trip to the emergency room trip. A job well done.
Today, I saw a man with a gas can and a sign, on the side of
the road, by Home Depot. I don’t trust the type, but you got to hand it to a
person, that whatever the circumstances be, it takes a bit of ego crushing to
stand on a corner with a sign. I believe some people really need help and
others, well…the truth will find you out in the end, but it is not my
responsibility to judge circumstances, which I will say, I very much did so
today. So I left. I went to the post office to drop off a driver’s license that
I had found the other day. I fully intended to count this as my giving for the
day. Does the post office still mail driver’s licenses’ back to people if you
just drop them in? I have no idea. I don’t care really, I’m sure this person,
from several states away, had since replaced it, but I was not going to pass up
an easy out for giving today. But it never works that way. I kept thinking
about that guy on the corner with the gas can. So what do I do? I continue on my way to
finish running my errands. Why is it always money I think I should give, and
not money per se in this circumstance, but something that would definitely cost
me financially? I don’t have a steady income. How am I supposed to keep giving
money to other people when my circumstances are uncertain? I finished my errands,
and what do you know, I start driving back towards Home Depot hoping that this
guy was gone so that I didn’t have to fill up that can. Isn’t that horrible.
Why am I acting like this? Why am I so concerned about me? I pull into the
parking lot and was relieved when at first I couldn’t see the guy. Then…there
he was, and…there someone else was, handing him back a full gas can. Then…there
I was, feeling bad that I didn’t act when I first had the inkling. Gas can man
started to walk away and I called to him, handed him ten dollars and drove
away. If he couldn’t afford to fill it up the first time, maybe he couldn’t
afford dinner either, or maybe ten dollars relieves just an itsy bitsy teeny
bit of stress, and he can breathe for a second. It’s not much, but it was a lot
to me, and more than likely, a lot for him.
Lesson: Offering two fives for a ten can save someone a trip
to the emergency room.
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